Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

List of publications

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401. Kanygin G.V., Poltinnikova M.S. Smart tecnnologies as a big data source. In: Data Science: Contribution Papers of the International Scientific and Practice Conference. Saint-Petersburg, February 5-7, 2020. – Saint-Petersburg : Publishing house of SPbSUE, 2020. P. 133-135.

402. Maikova E. Yu., Simonova E. V. Public participation in local self-government practices as a resource for developing small towns. In: Spatial development of small towns: social strategies and practices: [monograph] / M. F. Chernysh, V. V. Markin [et al.]; ed. by M. F. Chernysh, V. V. Markin; Preface by M. K. Gorshkov; FNISTC RAS. - Moscow: FNISTC RAS, 2020. P. 292-313.

403. Kublitskaya E.A. The phenomenon of patriotism in overcoming the crisis of Russian identity. In: Socio-political and demographic aspects: [monograph] / S.V. Ryazantsev, V.N. Ivanov [et al.]; Repl. ed. S.V. Ryazantsev, V.N. Ivanov; ISPI FNISTS RAS. - M.: Econ-Inform Publishing House, 2020. P. 80-104.

404. Malinkin A.N. The phenomenological concept by Max Scheler. In: Max Scheler. About the essence of philosophy. Works of different years / transl. from German by A.N. Malinkin. M.-SPb .: Center for Humanitarian Initiatives, 2020. P. 6-72.

405. Sapov V.V. Khronika zhizni i dejatelnosty S.I. Gessena. In: Sergey Gessen / Pod. red. V.V. Sapova, T.G. Shchedrinoy – M.: Politicheskaja entsiclopedija, 2020. – P. 387-397.

406. Kozlovsky V.V. Civilizational potential of small cities in Russia. In: Spatial development of small towns: social strategies and practices: [monograph] / M. F. Chernysh, V. V. Markin [et al.]; ed. by M. F. Chernysh, V. V. Markin; Preface by M. K. Gorshkov; FNISTC RAS. - Moscow: FNISTC RAS, 2020. P. 471-492.

407. Popova S.M., Shakhray S.M.,Yanik A.A. Digital Transformation of Science: Models, Risks, Prospects. In: Russian Society and State in the Context of a Pandemic: Socio-Political Situation and Demographic Development of the Russian Federation in 2020: [Collective monograph] / Osipov G. V. et al.; ed. by G. V. Osipov, S. V. Ryazantsev, V. K. Levashov, T. K. Rostovskaya; ed. by V. K. Levashov. – M.: ITD PERSPEKTIVA, 2020. P. 408-434.

408. Trofimova I.N. Digital transformation: opportunities and limitations. In: Digital society - a new format of social reality: structures, processes and development trends: materials of the All-Russian scientific conference XIV Kovalev Readings, November 12-14, 2020 / Ed. editors: N.G. Skvortsov, Yu.V. Asochakov. SPb .: Scythia-print, 2020. P. 285-286.

409. Mukhanova M.N. Digitalization of agriculture in the management system of the agro-Industrial complex in modern conditions. In: Digital society - a new format of social reality: structures, processes and development trends: materials of the All-Russian scientific conference XIV Kovalev Readings, November 12-14, 2020 / Ed. editors: N.G. Skvortsov, Yu.V. Asochakov. SPb .: Scythia-print, 2020. P. 276-277.

410. Schenina O.G. Digital Future of Russia: myth or reality? In: Political image of the future of Russia: strategic priorities and prospects in the context of ideological and value pluralism. Collection of scientific articles based on the materials of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference. (Saratov, Saratov National Research State University named after N. G. Chernyshevsky, October 2, 2020) Executive Editor-Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor A. A. Vilkov. - Saratov: Publishing House Saratovsky source, 2020. P. 71-76.

411. Malysheva G.A. Digital networks as a resource of social communication in the context of a pandemic. In: Digital society - a new format of social reality: structures, processes and development trends: materials of the all-Russian scientific conference XIV Kovalev readings November 12-14, 2020 / Editors: N. G. Skvortsov, Yu. V. Asochakov. - St. Petersburg: Scythia-print, 2020. P. 418-419.

412. Ruban L.S. What do we know about Iran, and how do we get this knowledge. In: I Russian-Iranian Sociological Forum. Conference Proceedings(Moscow, 16 – 18 November 2020) / Eds.-in-chief S.V. Ryazantsev, T.K. Rostovskaya, FCTAS RAS. – M.: Perspetiva Publishing , 2020. P. 450-460.

413.  Bobkov V. Precarity of Employment: A Look at Russia. In: Precarized Society: Social Transformation of the Welfare State / R. Hepp, D. Kergel, R. Riesinger (Eds.). Wiesbaden: Springer VS. 2020. Р. 59-67.

414.  Bobokov V. Society Under Threat of Precarity of Employment. In: Digitisation and Precarisation: Redefining Work and Redefining Society / V. Bobkov, P. Herrmann (Eds.). Wiesbaden: Springer VS. 2020. P. 51-72.

415.  David J. O’Brien and Valery V. Patsiorkovsky. Regime Change in Post-Soviet Russia: A Bottom-Up View from the Countryside. In: Remington, Robin Alison, Evanson, Robert Kent. (Eds.) Globalization and regime change :lessons from the New Russia and the New Europe. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield, 2020. P. 41-64.

416.  Epikhina Y. The scale and dynamics of employment precarity in Russian society from 1998 to 2015 In: Nikula, J. (Ed.), Chernysh, M. (Ed.). (2020). Social Distinctions in Contemporary Russia. London: Routledge. P. 65-83.

417. Schenina O.G. HOMO MODERNUS from the perspective of digital anthropology. In: Opportunities and threats of the digital society. Proceedings of the all-Russian scientific and practical conference. Ed. by A. V. Sokolov, A. A. Frolov. Yaroslavl, LLC Digital printing house. 2020. P. 236-240.

418. Kublitskaya E.A. Specificity of Manifestations of Religious and Confessional Identities in the Regions of Russia Sociological Monitoring). In: Religions, Identities, Policies (Points of Convergence and Divergence). Book of Abstracts. Forum for religious issues of the Institute of Social sciences. Belgrade: Institute of Social sciences, 2020. P. 8-9.

419.  Ledeneva V.Yu. Communicative practices of migrants in the transnational space // XXIII International Conference Culture, Personality, Society in the Conditions of Digitalization: Methodology and Experience of Empirical Research named after professor L.N. Kogan, 19-21 March, 2020, Yekaterinburg, Russia, P. 139-145.

420.  Lyutenko I. Gender Identity in Russia: Confessional Identity of ransgenders. In: Religions, Identities, Policies (Points of Convergence and Divergence). Book of Abstracts. Forum for religious issues of the Institute of Social sciences. Belgrade: Institute of Social sciences, 2020. P. 9-10.

421.  Maslovskiy M. Contemporary civilizational analysis and Russian sociology. In: Russia as civilization : ideological discourses in politics, media and academia / edited by Kåre Johan Mjør and Sanna Turoma. Description: Abingdon, Oxon ; New York : Routledge, 2020. P. 206-220.

422.  Mastikova N.S. The structure of Russians’ values in the context of social modernizationю. In: Nikula, J. (Ed.), Chernysh, M. (Ed.). (2020). Social Distinctions in Contemporary Russia. London: Routledge. P. 188-202.

423.  Mchedlova E.M. Religious and political process in Russia: historical memory and probably prospects. In: Religions, Identities, Policies (Points of Convergence and Divergence). Book of Abstracts. Forum for religious issues of the Institute of Social sciences. Belgrade: Institute of Social sciences, 2020. P. 34-35.

424.  Mitrofanova A.V. Religio-Political Utopia by Iana Zavatskaia. In: The Post-Soviet Politics of Utopia: Language, Fiction and Fantasy in Modern Russia. Mikhail Suslov and Per-Arne Bodin. London: I.B. Tauris, 2020. P. 155-174.

425.  Mukomel V.I. (2020) Labor Mobility of Migrants from the Post-Soviet Expanse States at the Russian Labor Market. In: Denisenko M., Strozza S., Light M. (eds) Migration from the Newly Independent States. Societies and Political Orders in Transition. Springer, Cham.

426.  Ostrovskaya Yu.E. Covid-19 and Labour Law: Russian Federation // Legal responses to COVID-19 around the world / Editado por Cláudio Jannotti da Rocha, Flávia Fragale Martins Pepino e Rafael Lara Martins. – Porto Alegre : OABESA Goiás/LexMagister. 2020. P. 39-40.

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