Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

List of publications

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1. Adamyants T.Z. Adequate perception // Sociology of management: theoretical and applied dictionary / Ed. A.V. Tikhonov: KRASAND, 2015, p. 14-15.

2.  The updated values of Russian society / I.A. Khaliy, ed. Moscow: Institute of Sociology of Russian Academy of Sciences, 2015.

3. Klimenko Z.V. THE ALBANIAN QUESTION IN MACEDONIA // Vestnik of State University of Nizhni Novgorod. Nizhni Novgorod: Nizhni Novgorod University Press, 2015. № 4. P. 38-47.

4. Novikov K.E. The archetypes of a Bureaucrat // A Russian Bureaucrat: a sociological analysis of the lifeworld of the state and municipal civil servants / Edited by D.M. Rogozin. Moscow: Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2015. P. 109-182.

5. The autopoiesis of the statehood: theoretical analysis of the phenomenon of bureaucracy

6. Voronov V. Poverty and Wealth in Contemporary Society: A Comparative Analysis. In: Proceedings of the International Scientific Conferences of Faculty of Social Sciences of Daugavpils University. The materials of the International Scientific Conferences Social Sciences for Regional Development 2014 (17th-18th October, 2014). Part I. Issues of Sociology.Daugavpils: Daugavpils Universitates Akademiskais apgads Saule, 2015. P.64-76.

7. A.V. Vilovatykh, A. V. Rogovaya. MILITARY-POLITICAL PROCESSES IN THE CAUCASUS REGION// Vestnik MGIMO. №3(42). 2015. P.85-93

8. Rozhdestvenskaya E.Yu. Virtualization of the Memory of the Afghan War. In the book: XV April International Scientific Conference on the Problems of Development of the Economy and Society: in 4 Books / Otv. Ed .: EG Yasin. Book. 2. M.: The Publishing House of the Higher School of Economics, 2015. P. 128-136.

9. Power in Small Russian Towns: Models of Interactions Between the Legislative and Executive Branches of Local Government


11.  Power and society in the Russia regions: practices of interaction: [monograph] / I.A.Khaliy, ed. - M.: Institute of sociology Russian Academy of Sciences, 2015

12. Miryasova O.A. Vliyanie vklyuchennosti v obschestvennuyu i politicheskuyu aktivnost na vospriyatie vyborov i protestov za chestnye vybory // Politicheskaya nauka pered vyzovami sovremennoi politiki. Materialy VII Vserossiiskogo kongressa politologov, Moskva, 19-21 noyabrya 2015 g. Pod obsch. red. O.V.Gaman-Golutvinoi, L.V.Smorgunova, L.N.Timofeevoi. - M.: Aspekt Press, 2015. - 1403 s. - Elektron.izdanie v formate PDF. ISBN 978–5–7567–0825–7. – С.388-390

13. Kolesnikova E.M. Yurchenko O.V. Preschool teachers in the period of reforms // Kindergarten from A to Z, 2015, #2, p.4-17

14. Secondary employment // Bulletin of the Russian monitoring of eco-nomic situation and health of HSE (RLMS-HSE). - M .: [electronic resource]: Sat. scientific. Art. / Ed. Ed. PM Kozyrev. - Electron. text. dan. (volume of 2.5 MB). - M .: the Na-tional Research Uni-tete Higher School of Economics, 2015. - S. 108-122. ISBN 978-5-7598-1169-5. URL:

15. Mukomel V.I. Gender discrimination in the labour market and forced labour // Contemporary research of migration: Collection of articles / Edited by Chudinovskikh O., Donets E. – M.: Faculty of Economics, the Lomonosov Moscow State University, 2015. – 150 pp. (“Demographic research”. Vol. 25)

16. Civic education in the contexts of the world history (part 1) // Common notebook. 2015. N. 2-3 (68). P. 81-97.

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