Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

List of publications

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501. Social inequalities in modern Russia: subjectivity, main directions of development

502. Social norms: a stigma or an advantage for sociological theorizing? from attempts of definition toward the typology of theories of norms

503. Social workers about problems in new work ing conditions: sociological analysis

504. Social risk as the faktor of differentiation (corruption as the example)

505. Social memory meanings: formation and transformation

506. Karavai A.V. Russian workers: social capital and capital accumulation settings // Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes. 2016. № 3 (133). P. 1-15.

507. Tikhonova N.E. (2016) Social Liberalism: is there an alternative? // Social liberalism / ed. А.Rubinstein, N.Pliskevich. - SPb .: Aletheia. P. 74-97

508. Nazarenko A.V. Socio-cultural determinants and indicators of social and political harmony. In: Political harmony: from theory to practice: monograph. number of authors under the editorship of Professor O. M. Mikhailenko. Institute of sociology RAS. Moscow: RUSYNS, 2016. P. 83-114.

509. Sociocultural contradictions between the power and society in modern Russia

510. Social and Cultural Types in the Science of Society. To the Typology of Mentality. Article 1

511. Social and Cultural Types in the Science of Society. To the Typology of Mentality. Article 2

512. Voronin G.L.1, Anisimova I.A. Sociological Scientific Research Program developed by the Career Center at Lobachevsky University to Facilitate Career counseling, Employment and Career development of Students and Graduates

513. Sociological interpretation of professional ethics

514. Kornilova M.V. Sociological monitoring of the level and quality of life of older Muscovites: new methodological and organizational approaches // Сетевой журнал «Научный результат». Серия «Социология и управление». – Т.2, №1(7), 2016.

515. Gofman A. Sociology // Great Russian Encyclopedia. Volume 31. Moscow: Great Russian Encyclopedia Publishing House, 2016. P.12-14.

516. Sociology of patriotism in historical perspective and it’s application to the analysis of russian reality

517. Voronov V. V. 2016. “Sociology of Labor: Issues of Methodology”. Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research, vol. 2, no 3, pp. 84-96. DOI: 10.21684/2411-7897-2016-2-3-84-96

518. Adamyants T.Z. Sociomental development of personal as a strategic goal of Russia // Russia: trends and prospects. Yearbook. ISS. 11. / RAS. INION. Ed. V.I. Gerasimov. - M., 2016. - Part 2. P. 10-13.

519. Sociomental development of modern studying youth (in materials of semiosociopsyсhological research)

520. Yakovleva M. N. The fair state in representations of Russians // Materials of the VI international sociological Grushinskaya conferences Research life after the research: how to make results clear and useful, March 16 - 17, 2016 / resp. edition A. V. Kuleshova. — M.: M.: JSC VCIOM, 2016. — P. 722-725.

521. Remuneration fairness as an object of measurement: methodical approaches and empirical results

522. Gasparishvili, А.Т. Career and technical schools and labour market: education and training of professionals or a launching pad into higher education [Text] / А.Т. Gasparishvili // Ekonomika I upravlenie:problemy, resheniya. Nauchno-prakticheskiy zhurnal. 2016. № 7. С. 50–58.

523. Kabashova E.V. Statistical analysis of the main indicators and consequences of demographic aging of the population in the Volga Federal District. Successes of modern science and education, 2016, Vol. 3. Issue 7, pp. 79-82.

524. Strategic planning system of international relations on the modern stage. // M. Expert. 2016. No.10. P. 3-13.

525. Dreaming an ideal society in russia and china / Edited by M.K. Gorshkov, P.M. Kozyreva, Li Peilin, N.E. Tikhonova / Institute of Sociology Russian Academy of Sciences. - Novyy Khronograf, Moscow, 2016. P. 343-364.

526. Tarde, Gabriel // Great Russian Ecyclopedia. Volume 31. Moscow: Great Russian Ecyclopedia Publishing House, 2016. P.670-671.

527. Gurko T. A. Theoretical approaches to family studies (2th ed.). Moscow: Institute of Sociology Russian Academy of Sciences. −210 p.


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