Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

List of publications

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501. Malinov A.V. Russian historiography in the works by S.N. Pogodin (Book review: Pogodin S.N. Essays on Russian historiography (the end of XIX - beginning of XX century). SPb.: Publishing house of Polytechnic University, 2017). Klio, 2017. № 5 (125), pp. 152–155.

502. Dmitriev A. V. Rutkevich M. N. // Elitology culture: the cultural elite of Russia in the XX century. Encyclopedic dictionary. Ed. house Astrakhan University, 2017. P. 294-295.

503. Self-Realization of A Person by Age Intervals (Based on the Example of Modern Russians). Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie (Knowledge. Understanding. Skill). №3. Pp. 63-69.

504. Kozlova T.Z. Self-realization of people senior age. Journal of Social Research. 2017. №1. P. 54-61.

505. Manuilsky M.A. Identity in structure of consciousness. In: Russian nation: problems of formation of her identity.Sarov: ntercontact.2017 -400 p.

506. Лежнина, Юлия. Middle-Income Families in Russia: Comparing Domestic Support and Exposure to Risk. The Journal of Social Policy Studies, [S.l.], v. 15, n. 3, p. 435-452, sep. 2017. ISSN 1727-0634. Available at: . Date accessed: 02 dec. 2017.

507. Panfilova Yu.S. Family as an institution for the preservation and translation of the values of traditional ethnic culture. Socio-humanitarian knowledge, 2017, No. 11, pp. 325-332.

508. Volzhin S.V. “A serious Work of Imagination”: Creativity and Violence in the Light of Kant's Analytics of the Sublime. Vestnik of Pushkin Leningrad State University, 2017, Issue 1, pp. 26-34.

509. Mischenko A.S. Networking in academic institutions. In: The Problems of Scientist and Scientific Groups Activity. International annual papers 2017, Vol. 3 (33). Papers of the XXXIII session of the International School for Sociology of Science and Technology «Scientific Policy: Metrics, Actors and Practices». St Petersburg, 2017. P 181-188.

510. Troitskiy S.A. TheHE Syntax for Loss. Studia Culturae, 2017. Vol 2 (32), pp. 160-172

511. Drobizheva L.M., Titova Т.А. Binding representations of the Russian identity. In: INAB №3 – 2017. Ethnicity and interethnic relations in a social context / [Electronic publication] / [L. M. Drobizheva, etc.]; Resp. editor L.M. Drobizheva. - Electron. text. (the volume is 1.7 MB). - Moscow: FCTAS RAS, 2017. - p. 111-116. 1 electron. opt. 12 centimeters disc (CD-ROM).

512. Adamyants T.Z. Modern scientific conceptions about the subject of understanding in communication. In: Man in space information: understanding in communication: Collection of scientific papers / under Gen. ed. N. V. Aniskina, L. V. Uhova. - In 2 vols. - Yaroslavl: YGPU, 2017. - Vol. 1. P. 13-19.

513. Maskaev A.I., Chikarova G.I. The modern metropolis and its influence on the adaptation of professional actors in Russia. Bulletin of the Adyghe State University. Series Regional Studies: Philosophy, History, Sociology, Jurisprudence, Political Science, Culturology. - Maykop: publishing house of ASU, 2017, Issue 1 (194), pp. 108-114.

514. Adamiants T.Z. The modern man in the light of the large scale technocratic and information and communication changes. In: Global social transformations of the 20 - early 21st centuries (the 100-year anniversary of the Russian Revolution) / Materials of scientific conference IX Kovalev’s reading 9-11 November 2017. / Editor: J. Asochakov. SPb.: Scyphia-print, 2017. Р. 297-299.

515. Ryzhova S.V. Contents and dynamics of ethnic identity in Russia. In: Ethnic and Religious Diversity in Russia / ed. by V.Tishkov, V Stepanov. - Moscow, Institute of Ethnology and Antropology RAS. 2017. P.108-124

516.  Solidarism in France in the Third Republic Period. Ed. by Alexander Gofman. Moscow: KDU, Universitetskaya Kniga, 2017. 196 p. (Ser. Theory and History of Sociology).

517. Sapov V.V. Sorokin P. A. Lenin-destroyer. Vestnik of Syktyvkar University. Series of humanitarian Sciences, 2017. Issue 1, pp. 5–9.

518.  Sorokin P.A. The New Soviet Codes and Soviet Justice. Translated by V.V. Sapov. Nasledie, 2017, N 2 (11), pp. 146-157.

519.  Sorokin P. A. Contemporary Sociological Theories Through the First Quarter of the Twentieth Century .(Chapters from books). Chapter VI: Sociological interpretation of struggle for existence and sociology of war. Translated from English by A. K. Konyukhov and V. V. Sapov. Legacy, 2017, N 2 (11), pp. 165-198.

520.  Sorokin P. A. Social and cultural dynamics. M.: Academic project, 2017

521. Karavay A. V. (2017) State and Dynamics of the Quality of the Russian Workers' Human Capital. TERRA ECONOMICUS. Vol.15. No3. pp.144-158.

522. Popova E.S. Chapter II. Socialization of youth and education // Russian youth in the dynamics of decades. Statistical materials and research results: [monograph] / [D.L. Konstantinovskiy, G.A. Cherednichenko et al]. M.: IS RAS, 2017. – 175 p. P. 35-53. + 1 CD ROM.

523. Dmitriev A. V. Social adaptation of immigrants as a resource of stability of the Russian society // Analytical Bulletin No. 19(676). Processes in the area of migration and the prospects for Eurasian integration: experience of the regions. The meeting of the Integration club under the Chairman of the Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on 20 June 2017. M., 2017. P. 33-37.

524. Kornilova M.V. Social Policy in the Context of Sociological Researches (On Materials of Conference of Young Scientists in the is RAS). «P.O.I.S.K.» (Policy. Social Science. Art. Sociology. Culture.): scientific and socio-cultural journal: М.: MGUPS (MIIT), 2017. Edition 3(62). P. 148 - 150.

525.  Social Justice in the Modern World. – / Eds. L.I. Nikovskaya, V.N. Schevchenko, V.N. Yakimets. – Moscow, Publisher «Kluch-C», 2017. – 446 p.

526. Kukonkov P.I. Social ecology as a field of conflict of interest. Conflictology, 2017, Issue 3. P. 108-121.

527. sociohistorical context as a factor of individual mobility strategies in intergenerational perspective

528. Isaeva V.B.Social and Political Aspects of Conversion to Buddhism: the Case of Saint-Petersburg Community Karma Kague. In: Contemporary Development of Russian Regions: Political, Social and Economic Aspects, dedicated to the Day of the Republic of Buryatia: materials of the Vth All-Russian Scientific-Practical Conference (Ulan-Ude, May 30, 2016) / ed. B. S. Budaev. — Ulan-Ude: Buryat State University Publishing Department, 2017. — 204 p. P. 119-126.

529. Moskvin L. B. Socio-political relations in modern Russia: new trends. In: The social state and policy: collection of scientific articles / Under the editorship of O. M. Mikhailenok, V. V. Lublinskiy; Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS. (Harmony in the society as a condition of development of Russia. Issue 5). – M.: FCTAS RAS, 2017. – P.129-146.

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