Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

List of publications

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51. Sivoplyasova S.Yu., Sigareva E.P., Arkhangelsky V.N., Pletneva Yu.E. Contribution of foreign citizens to marriage and fertility in Russia. In: The challenges of the pandemic and the strategic agenda for society and the state: socio-political situation and demographic situation in 2021: [monograph] / V. K. Levashov [et al.] ; ed. V. K. Levashov, G. V. Osipov, S. V. Ryazantsev, T. K. Rostovskaya; FNISTC RAS. M. : SNITS RAS, 2021. P. 192-210.

52. Rakhmonov A.Kh. Contribution of labor migrants from Tajikistan to the Russian economy. In: Analysis of the state and prospects for the development of the Russian economy (ASPREK-2021). Materials of the V All-Russian Youth Scientific and Practical Conference (with international participation); Ivanovo, April 30, 2021. - In 2 volumes. - Volume 2. - Ivanovo: Ivan. state. energy. un-t. P. 207-209.

53. Nedyak I.L. Power and Domination in the Collective Imaginary. Factors of the (De)Formation of the Political Sphere in Russia. Obshchestvennye nauki i sovremennost’, 2021, no. 3, pp. 30–45. DOI: 10.31857/S086904990015418-1 (In Russ.)

54. Ledeneva V.Yu., Rakhmonov A.Kh. The Influence of External Labor Emigration on the Formation of the Labor Market in the Republic of Tajikistan. Nauchnoe obozrenie. Seriya 1. Jekonomika i parvî [Scientific Review. Series 1. Economics and Law]. 2021. Nî. 2. Ð. 109-119.

55. Ruban L.S. Influence of external factors on the development the Russian Federation in the condition of the new social reality. Questions of National and Federative Relations. 2021. Vol. 11. No. 3(72). Pp. 844-852.

56. Rakhmonov A.Kh. The impact of remittances of Tajik migrants from the United States on the economy of Tajikistan. In: Migration bridges in Eurasia: Global and regional dimensions: [Electronic resource]: collection of works / edited by S. V. Ryazantsev, S. N. Mishchuk, M. N. Khramova. - Text (symbolic) electronic edition. 2021. P. 94-100.

57. Ryazantsev S.V., Bragin A.D. Impact of Immigration on the Ethno-Demographic Processes in Russia. Nauchnoe obozrenie. Seriya 2. Gumanitarnye nauki [Scientific Review. Series 2. Human Sciences]. 2021. No. 6. Ð. 20-28. DOI: 10.26653/2076-4685-2021-4-6-02.

58. Kolennikova O.A. Impact of disability on the involvement of workers in non-standard employment. International Journal of Humanities and Natural Sciences. 2021. Vol. 10-1 (61). P. 227-233. DOI:10.24412/2500-1000-2021-10-1-227-233

59. Lukyanets A.S., Bragin A.S. The impact of climate risks on Russia’s economic development: example of the North Caucasian Federal District // RUDN Journal of Economics. - 2021. - Vol. 29. - N. 2. - P. 439-450. doi: 10.22363/2313-2329-2021-29-2-439-450

60. Gerasimova I.V., Nesterchuk O.A., Grishin V.O. The influence of migration processes on the demographic development of the Russian Federation. Questions of political science. 2021. Vol. 11. No. 10(74). Pp. 2731-2737. DOI 10.35775/PSI.2021.74.10.005

61. Ryazantsev S.V., Ruban L.S., Ananjin M.A. The Impact of a New Indo-Pacific Region on Southeast Asian Countries in the Context of Competition USA, China, India and Russia. Yugo-Vostochnaya Aziya: aktual'nyye problemy razvitiya, 2021, T. III, ¹ 3 (52). Pp. 18–35. DOI:10.31696/2072-8271-2021-3-3-52-018-035

62. Latova N.V. Political participation and request for change: The role of education // Journal of Institutional Studies. 2021. Vol. 13. No. 4. P. 112–125.

63. Proshkova Z.V. Kindergartens education influence on primary school students' educational success in the parent's assessments. World of Science. Pedagogy and psychology, 9(5), ðð. 62-70 Available at: (In Russ., abstract in Eng.). DOI: 10.15862/22PSMN521

64. Dobrokhleb V.G. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the older generation. In: The COVID-19 pandemic: Challenges, consequences, counteraction: [monograph] / A.V. Torkunov, S.V. Ryazantsev, V.K. Levashov [et al.]; Edited by A.V. Torkunov, S.V. Ryazantsev, V.K. Levashov; intro. the word of A.V. Torkunov. - M.: Aspect Press Publishing House, 2021. P. 181-189.

65. Chigrin V.A., Zotkin A.A., Uzunov V.V. Impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the socio-demographic potential of Crimean youth. Bulletin of the South-Russian State Technical University (NPI). Series: Socio-Economic Sciences. 2021 No. 2. P. 149-159.

66. Migranova L.A. Impact of the Pandemic on the Russian Economy and Population income in 2020. Nauchnoe obozrenie. Seriya 1. Jekonomika i parvî [Scientific Review. Series 1. Economics and Law]. 2021. Nî. 3. Ð. 7-24. DOI: 10.26653/2076-4650-2021-3-01. (in Russ.)

67. Lukyanetz A. S., Bragin A. D. The impact of natural climatic factors on level of population morbidity in Russia. Problemi socialnoi gigieni, zdravookhranenia i istorii meditsini. 2021;29(2):197—202.

68. Ledeneva V.Yu., Begassilov B.T. (2021). Influence of religious factor on the integration of Muslim migrants in Russia. Management Issues, 2021, no. 1, pp. 118–130.

69. Ledeneva V.Yu. Influence Of Labor Migration On Ethnosocial Structure In National Regions Of Russia. In: Russia: Trends and Development Prospects. Yearbook. Issue 16. Part 2: XII International Scientific and Practical Conference Regions of Russia: Development Strategies and Mechanisms for Implementation of Priority National Projects and Programs, conference Scientific and Technological Development of Russia: Priorities, Problems, Solutions / RAS. INION. Dept. scientific. cooperation; Resp. ed. IN AND. Gerasimov. - M., 2021. - Part 2. P. 669-671.

70. Rakhmonov A.Êh. The impact of labor migrants from Tajikistan in the economy of the city of Moscow. In: Science and education: topical issues of theory and practice: International scientific and methodological Conference on March 23, 2021 Samara-Orenburg-Nizhny Novgorod / Editorial board: A. N. Popov [et al.]. - Samara–Orenburg-Nizhny Novgorod: SamGUPS, OrIPS, Branch of SamGUPS in Nizhny Novgorod. P. 506-509.

71. Arkhangelskiy V.N., Rostovskaya T.K., Vasilieva E.N. Influence of the standard of living on the reproductive behavior of russians: gender aspect. Woman in Russian Society. 2021. Special issue. P. 3—24. DOI: 10.21064/WinRS.2021.0.1

72. Bobkov V.N., Odintsova E.V., Bobkov N.V. The impact of the level and quality of employment in generational groups on the distribution of the working-age population by per capita income. Social and labor research. 2021. No. 3 (44). Pp. 8-20.

73. Evseeva M.A. Influence of ethnicity on access to power: presentation of russian citizens. Voprosy nacional'nyh i federativnyh otnoshenij. 2021. No. 6. Pp. 1865-1871.

74. Burkhanova F.B., Sadretdinova E.V., Mukhamadivea R.R. Intra-family factors of formation of mono and bi-ethnic identities of children from interethnic families. Vestnik of Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod. Social Sciences. 2021. No. 2 (62). Pp. 55-65. DOI 10.52452/18115942_2021_2_55

75. Nekrasov, S.V. & Karepova, S.G. (2021). Suggestion As a Method of Influencing Public Consciousness. Social’naya politika i sociologiya [Social Policy and Sociology]. Vol. 20. No. 3. P. 126–134. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.17922/2071-3665-2021-20-3-126-134

76. Kolennikova N.D. (2021) The coronacrisis impact on the social well-being of the employed Russians. Theory and Practice of Social Development. 2021. No. 12. P. 41–50.

77. Kolennikova N.D. The Impact of the pandemic on the socio-psychological the well-being and behavior of Russians // Information and Analytical Bulletin (INAB). Russian society in the context of the pandemic: a year later (the experience of sociological diagnostics). 2021. No. 2. P. 18-32. URL:

78. Ermolarva Yu.V. Impact of green jobs market formation on climate change prevention. Financial markets and banks, 2021, no. 4, pp. 25-32.

79. Ivanova A . E., Pletneva Yu.E., Siviplyasova S . Y., Sigareva E. P., Arkhangelskiy V. N . Is natural population growth in Russia possible in the next 10 years? Ekonomika. Nalogi. Pravo = Economics, taxes & law. 2021;14(2):32-43. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.26794/1999-849X‑ 2021-14-2-32-43

80. Nenko À., Nedoseka Å., Galaktionovà À. (2021) Possibilities of the Key Bigrams Semantic Analysis for Studying the Discourse of an Online Neighbor Community. International Journal of Open Information Technologies. 2021. Vol. 9. No. 12. Ðð. 111-118.

81. Semenova V.G, Ivanova A.E, Subgaida T.P, Evdokushina G.N. The age vector of risk factors for mortality of young Muscovites. City Healthñare. 2021;2(2):ð. 15-25. doi:10.47619/;15-25

82. Rusinova, N. (2021). Age inequalities in health and personal psychological resources: key ñonceptual constructs and results of empirical analysis in modern studies. Demographic Review, 8(4), 132-155.

83. Rostovskaya T.K., Sizikova V.V., Tolmachev D.P. Volunteer activity of the older generation: a regional aspect. Bulletin of the South-Russian State Technical University (NPI). Series: Socio-Economic Sciences. 2021. Vol. 14 No. 3. Pp. 61-68. DOI: 10.17213/2075-2067-2021-3-61-68

84. Ermolaeva Yu.V., Grechanaya A.a., Basheva O.A. Volunteer practices in the world and in Russia in the first wave of COVID-2019. Proceedings of Tula State University. Humanities. 2021. No. 4. Pp. 127-144. DOI 10.24412/2071-6141-2021-4-127-144.

85. Tykanova E. V., Tenisheva K. A. (2021) Perception of Disorder and Social Control in the New Condominiums: Results of a Sociological Study. Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes. No. 4. P. 232–257. https:// (In Russ.)

86. Divisenko K.S. Perception of the future and individual’s biographic project. Telescope: Journal of Sociological and Marketing Research. 2021. No. 4. P. 103-108. DOI: 10.51692/1994-3776_2021_4_103

87. Perception of corruption and human rights: the experience of sociological analysis: monograph / S. A. Baburkin et al. — Yaroslavl: RIO YAGPU, 2021 . — 175 p.

88. Vorobieva O.D., Topilin A.V., Khrolenko T.S. Reproduction of labor resources and migration policy. Migration Law. 2021. No. 2. Pp. 21-25.

89. Chernishova N.V. Reproduction of labor resources and labor mobilization of the population of the USSR in wartime conditions (1941–1945). History: facts and symbols. 2021. No. 4. P. 23-35.

90. Markin V.V., Silin A.N., Malinina K.O. Reproduction of human capital in the Arctic regions of Russia: Socio-cultural context. Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast, 2021, vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 220–243. DOI: 10.15838/esc.2021.5.77.13

91. Turakaev M.S. Temporary Labor Migration in Russia: Topical Issues and Sociological Research. The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology. 2021. Vol. 24. No. 4. P. 34–58.

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