Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

List of publications

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11851.  Cherednichenko G.A. Educational Trajectories of Youth: Researches and Main Results // The Futures We Want: Global Sociology and the Struggles for a Better World. View from Russia [Electronic resource]: collected papers. The 3rd ISA Forum of Sociology The Futures We Want: Global Sociology and the Struggles for a Better World / Editor-in-Chief V.Mansurov. -electronic data- Moscow: RSS, 2016. – Pp. 140-153. 1 СD ROM; 12 sm - system requirements: Windows XP/Vista/7/10 - Title from disk label.

11852.  Chernysh M. A Life Devoted to an Open Sociology // Global Dialogue. Vol. 6. # 1. March 2016. Pp. 32-33.

11853. Shmerlina, Irina. A. Corruption as a diffuse institute. Sovremennye issledovaniya sotsialnykh problem [Modern Research of Social Problems], 2016, no. 11(67), pp. 248-277.

11854. “Us- stranger” in the estimates of churched and unchurched russians

11855. Rural youth in the labor market: structure, indicators, dynamics

11856. Solidarity and labour – life-matrix of the russian people

11857. The social category of justice in ideological contexts

11858. Social justice in the soviet and post-soviet Russia

11859. Socio-legal status of domestics workers in the context of social inequality fnd justice

11860.  D. L. Konstantinovskii & E. S. Popova (2016) Youth, the Labor Market, and the Expansion of Higher Education, Sociological Research, 55:4, 245-261, DOI: 10.1080/10610154.2016.1264193

11861.  Fabrykant M., Magun V. Grounded and Normative Dimensions of National Pride in Comparative Perspective // Dynamics of National Identity: Media and Societal Factors of What We Are // Ed. by P. Schmidt, J. Grimm, L. Huddy, J. Seethaler. L.: Routledge, 2016. Ch. 6. P. 83-112.

11862.  Galindabaeva V. Why do leopards dislike stray dogs? Large sports events, engines of growth and neo-patrimonial practices in Russia. Connexe: Les espaces postcommunistes en question(s), 2016, Dossier 2, Sotchi 2014: La Russie à l’épreuve de ses Jeux, les Jeux à l’épreuve du Caucase, pp. 81 – 102.

11863. Gavrilov K.A., Tolmach A.D. Who Is to Blame? Content Analysis of Blogs about the Act of Terrorism at Domodedovo Airport. Sociological Research. 2016. Vol. 55. No. 2. Pp. 79–90.

11864.  Gofman, Aleksandr. Conceptual Approaches to Analysis of Social Unity // Social Sciences. A Quarterly Journal of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Translated by Yevgeny Filippov. Moscow: Russian Academy of Sciences; Minneapolis: East View Information Services. Vol.47. N3. 2016. P.112-120.

11865. Internet-activity and political decision-making: the Russian experience // The Futures We Want: Global Sociology and the Struggles for a Better World. View from Russia [Electronic resource]: collected papers. The 3rd ISA Forum of Sociology The Futures We Want: Global Sociology and the Struggles for a Better World / Editor-in-Chief V.Mansurov. -electronic data- Moscow: RSS, 2016. – Pp. 349-356. 1 СD ROM; 12 sm - system requirements: Windows XP/Vista/7/10 - Title from disk label.

11866. Ivanova E. Engineering Activity and Engineering dynasty in Russia: problems in the historical context // The Futures We Want: Global Sociology and the Struggles for a Better World. View from Russia [Electronic resource]: collected papers. The 3rd ISA Forum of Sociology The Futures We Want: Global Sociology and the Struggles for a Better World / Editor-in-Chief V.Mansurov. -electronic data- Moscow: RSS, 2016. – Pp. 247-254. 1 СD ROM; 12 sm - system requirements: Windows XP/Vista/7/10 - Title from disk label.

11867.  Droits de propriété et expropriations à Sotchi: gagnants et perdants des JO 2014. Connexe: Les espaces postcommunistes en question(s), 2016, Dossier 2, Sotchi 2014: La Russie à l’épreuve de ses Jeux, les Jeux à l’épreuve du Caucase, pp. 59 – 80.

11868.  Khalii I. The process of Transformation in the Modern Crimea // Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences. 2016. Vol. 9. № 4. Pp. 978-985. URL:;jsessionid=D4D666485054FA2947EC0F04020CE9DF?sequence=1

11869.  Kliucharev G.A., Latov Iu.V. Continuing Education - A Bridge Between the Educational System and the Labor Market. Sociological Research, 2016, Volume 55, Issue 4, pp. 225-244 | Published online: 14 Feb 2017

11870.  Kolomiez V. Il paese Italia nell'immaginario russo dell'Ottocento. In: Oltre il confine. Europa e Russia dal 1917 a oggi a cura di Andrea Panaccione. Quaderni/15. Milano: Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, 2016. P. 30-31.

11871.  Kozyreva P., Kosolapov M., Popkin BM. Data Resource Profile: The Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey—Higher School of Economics (RLMS-HSE) Phase II: Monitoring the Economic and Health Situation in Russia, 1994–2013 // International Journal of Epidemiology. 2016.Vol.45(2). P. 395-401. doi: 10.1093/ije/dyv357

11872.  Magun V., Rudnev M., Schmidt P. Within-and Between-Country Value Diversity in Europe: A Typological Approach // European Sociological Review. 2016, 32 (2): 189-202.

11873.  Mukomel V.I. Migration from Central Asian Countries: The Challenges for the Receiving Societies // East European Studies. 2016. N 7. P. 76-92

11874. Natalia E. Tikhonova, Svetlana V. Mareeva. Poverty in Contemporary Russian Society: Formation of a New Periphery // Russian Politics. 2016. Vol. 1. No. 2. P. 159-183

11875.  Nataliya V. Kuznetsova, Elena I. Pronina, Yuriy E. Antonov. Modern Concept of Identity and New Trends in Formation of Citizenship and Patriotism of High School Students // The Futures We Want: Global Sociology and the Struggles for a Better World. View from Russia [Electronic resource]: collected papers. The 3rd ISA Forum of Sociology The Futures We Want: Global Sociology and the Struggles for a Better World / Editor-in-Chief V.Mansurov. -electronic data- Moscow: RSS, 2016. – Pp. 172-180. 1 СD ROM; 12 sm - system requirements: Windows XP/Vista/7/10 - Title from disk label.

11876.  Oleg N. Yanitsky, PhD., Professor, Institute of Sociology Russian academy of sciences. New Developments in Environmental Sociology

11877.  Oleg N. Yanitsky, PhD., Professor, Institute of Sociology Russian academy of sciences. On Global Environmental Sociology

11878. Podyachev K. The City of Sevastopol as Part of Russia: Problems of Adaptation and Possibilities of Socio-Political Development. Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences. Vol. 9. 2016, # 4.

11879.  Rozhdestvenskaya E. Yu. Afghan veterans: resonance of memory.In: Rozhdestvenskaya E., Semenova V., Tartakovskaya I., Kozela K. (eds). Collective Memories in War. London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2016. 196 pp. P. 139-151.

11880.  Rozhdestvenskaya E. Yu. The Space of Memory in Afghanistan War Museum. In: Rozhdestvenskaya E., Semenova V., Tartakovskaya I., Kozela K. (eds). Collective Memories in War. London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2016. 196 pp. P. 85-98.

11881.  Rozhdestvenskaya E., Semenova V., Tartakovskaya I., Kozela K. (eds). Collective Memories in War. London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2016. 196 pp.

11882.  Rudenko N. Interfaces, efficiency, and inequality: the case of digital (auto-) ethnography of commercial technology. International Journal of Actor-Network Theory and Technological Innovation, 2016, 8(4), pp. 1-14.

11883.  Rudnev M., Magun V., Schmidt P. Basic Human Values: Stability of Value Typology in Europe, in: Values, economic crisis and democracy. Abingdon : Routledge, 2016. Ch. 2. P. 21-49.

11884.  Semenova, Viktoria. Wounded memory and collective identity. In: Collective Memories in War, ed. by Elena Rozhdestvenskaya, V. Semenova, I. Tartakovskaya, K. Kosela. London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2016. P. 125-139.

11885.  Strelnikova, Anna. Local Authorities, Memory Sites and the City Space. In: Collective Memories in War, ed. by Elena Rozhdestvenskaya, V. Semenova, I. Tartakovskaya, K. Kosela. London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2016. Ch. 9. P. 110-122.

11886.  Tikhonova N. (2016) Changes in Russian social structure in the postcommunist period /The Social History of Postcomunist Russia / Ed. by Piotr Dutkiewicz, Sakwa Richard, Kulikov Vladimir. Routledge. pp. 130-150

11887.  Tikhonova N. The Russian roller coaster: changes in social structure in the post-communist period // The Social History of Post-Communist Russia / Ed. By Piotr Dutkiewicz, Richard Sakwa and Vladimir Kulikov. Routledge. London and New York. 2016. P. 130-150

11888.  Ustinkin S.V., Samoilova M.P. Dynamics of Youth’s Attitude to Migrants in the N/Novgorod Region (Russia). Global Media Journal. 2016, S3: 8.

11889.  Vanke A. Fear of War // The SAGE Encyclopedia of War: Social Science Perspectives / Ed. by Paul I. Joseph. Thousand Oaks, London: Sage Publications. 2016. P. 617-620.

11890.  Vladimir I. Mukomel. Labor Migrants in the Context of Russian Demographic, Economic, and Social Development Problems // Labor migration and migrant integration policy in Germany and Russia / edited by Marya S. Rozanova. - Saint Petersburg, Print House “Scythia-Print”. 2016. P 23-33.

11891.  Yanitsky O. On Globalization and its Environmental Consequences. The Yanitsky Reader II / O. Yanitsky; IS RAS. – M.: IS RAS, 2016. – 216 p. URL:

11892.  Yanitsky Oleg. The SBT-systems and its Technosphere: A Synopsis

11893.  Zelenko B.I. Is Political Responsibility a Legal Liability? Justitias Welt. №31. Pp. 1-5.


11894.  Alexander Chepurenko, (2015), The role of foreign scientific foundations’ role in the cross-border mobility of Russian academics, International Journal of Manpower, Vol. 36 Iss 4 pp. 562 - 584. URL:

11895.  Andreev A.L. Intellectual environments: The conceptual perspective as viewed by a sociologist // Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences March 2015, Volume 85, Issue 2, pp 140-146. Original Russian Text © A.L. Andreev, 2015, published in Vestnik Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk, 2015, Vol. 85, No. 4, pp. 321–328. SpringerLink. URL:

11896.  Andreev A.L. O chem mechtayut v Rossii? // Przegląd Wschodnioeuropejski, 2015. № 1. С. 73-80.

11897.  Critical 10 years. Demographic Policies of the Russian Federation: Successes and Challenges. - Moscow: “Delo” Publishing House (RANEPA), 2015 – 125 pp.

11898. Barash R. Review of the book 'Constructing Grievance: Ethnic Nationalism in Russia’s Republics' (by Elise Giuliano) // Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism. 2015. Vol. 15. No. 2. P. 381-383.

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