Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

List of publications

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201. Mchedlova E.M. Consolidation of social forces is the key national security. World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies. 2024;15(3): 34SCSK324. Available at: (In Russ., abstract in Eng.) DOI: 10.15862/34SCSK324

202. Golbraikh V.B. Conspiracy discourse of Russian covid-dissidents in social networks (on the example of virtual communities in VKontakte). Political Expertise: POLITEX, 20(2), 212–230. ttps://

203. Rassolova E.N., Galkin K.A. Content Analysis of Publications and Citizen Science Programmes in the Field of Ecology. Science Governance and Scientometrics. 2024;19(2):296-314. DOI: https://doi. org/10.33873/2686-6706.2024.19-2.296-314.

204. Nikovskaya L.I. The conflict dimension of the network society: correlation of hierarchical and network principles of power// socio-political conflicts: theoretical concepts and practice of settlement: [monograph] / L.N. Nikovskaya, O.M. Mikhaylenok, L.N. Timofeeva, etc.]; ed. by L. Nikovskaya.I., O.M. Mikhaylenko ; preface by O.M. Mikhaylenko; FCTAS RAS - M.: FCTAS RAS. 2024. P. 324-341.

205. Ilyicheva L.E., Skutina S.G. Conceptual Foundations of the Policy of Voluntary Resettlement of Compatriots at the Present Stage of Development of the Russian Federation. Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024. Vol. 14. No. 3. Pð. 51–58. DOI: 10.33693/2223-0092-2024-14-3-51-58.

206. Vartanova M.L. Conceptual approaches to the balanced development of the national economy based on food security tools. Regional problems of economic transformation. 2024. No. 12. Pp. 183-195.

207. Latov Yu.V. Concepts and empirics of the forma on of a post-capitalist «creative class» (class of professionals). Problems in Political Economy. 2024. No. 2 (38). P. 75-89.

208. Andrianova E.V., Davydenko V.A., Khudyakova Yu. (2024). “Lifeworld” Concept in Symbolic Interactionism, Phenomenology and Communicative Action Pragmatics. Part I. Social area, 10 (1). DOI: 10.15838/sa.2024.1.41.2. URL:

209. Andrianova E.V., Davydenko V.A., Khudyakova Yu. (2024). The Concept of “Lifeworld” in Symbolic Interactionism, Phenomenology and Pragmatics of Communicative Action. Part II. Social area, 10 (3). DOI: 10.15838/sa.2024.3.43.3. URL:

210. Vasilyev N.A. Creative industries: cultural, social, economic and media communication basics of activity. Social and humanitarian knowledge. 2024. No. 3. Pp. 13-24.

211. Vasilyev N.A. Creative industries: socio-cultural features and main conclusions. Socio-humanitarian knowledge. 2024. No. 4. Pp. 11-17.

212. Pilipenko I.V. Large and the Largest Urban Agglomerations as a Priority of the State Policy of Spatial Development of the Russian Federation: Problems and Possible Solutions (Part 1). Problems of Modern Economics, 2024, No. 1 (89), pp. 40–46.

213. Davydenko V.A., Andrianova E.V., Chernenko A.S. Where existential sociology, anthropology, psychology and psychiatry strive: a critical analysis (Review of the Routledge international handbook of existential human science. Part 1). Social`nye i gumanitarnye nauki. Otechestvennaya i zarubezhnaya literatura. Seriya 11: Sociologiya [Social sciences and humanities. Domestic and foreign literature. Series 11: Sociology]. – 2024. – N 1. – P. 119–145. DOI: 10.31249/rsoc/2024.01.07.

214. Ustinkin S.V., Samsonov A.I. The culture of trust and the semantic transformation of mass ideas about freedom and security (the case of Nizhny Novgorod region). Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science. 2024. Vol. 18. No. 4. 2024. Pp. 64-79.

215. Rakhmonov A.Kh., Akramov Sh.Yu. Cultural adaptation of migrants in the host community. Work and social relations. 2024. Vol. 35. No. 3. Pp. 170-177.

216. Nazarov M.M. Audience cultural practices in the digital media environment: the factor of recommendation services. Communicology. 2024. Vol. 12. No. 4. P. 68-82. DOI 10.21453/2311-3065-2024-12-4-68-82.

217.  Kumanda Collection / ed. by A.V. Malinov. SPb.: Intersocis, 2024. - 255 ñ.

218. Nogovitsin O.N. The Liberal Moral Community and the Ideal of Moral Perfection: The Figure of Christ in the Social Metaphysics of Kant. In: Byzantium, Europe, Russia: social practices and the interrelationship of spiritual traditions. Issue 4: Collection of Papers / Ed. by O.N., Nogovitsin; SI FCTAS RAS. St. Petersburg: Publishing House of the Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities. P. 145-167.

219. Shchukin T.A. The Images of Eros: Love and Communion with God in the Writings of Michael Psellos and Symeon the New Theologian. SCHOLE. Ancient Philosophy and the Classical Tradition. 2024. Vol. 18. No. 2. Pp. 996-1010.

220. Dozhdikov A.V. Globalization, Networking, Digitalization and Cyborgization: Political, Socio-Political and Economic Aspects. Technologies of Social and Humanitarian Research. 2024. ¹ 3 (7). Pp. 7-26.

221.  Max Scheler. Thoughts on Politics and Morality. On the National Ideas of Great Nations / Trans. from German, notes and com., accompanying articles by A.N. Malinkin. - Moscow; St. Petersburg: Center for Humanitarian Initiatives, 2024. – 220 p.

222. Voronov V.V., Nikonov V.A. (2024). Small businesses in Moscow (part 1). Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research, 10(3),6–29.

223. Savina A.A., Arkhangelskiy V.N., Zemlyanova E.V. Maternal Mortality in the Context of the Aging Female Population in Moscow. City Healthcare. 2024;5(4):305-315. (In Russ.);305-315

224. Varlamova M.N. What is matter, is it δύναμις or φάντασμα? The concept of matter in the philosophy of Michael Psellos and John Italos. SCHOLE. Ancient Philosophy and the Classical Tradition. 2024. Vol. 18. No. 1. Pp. 148-165.

225. Rusinova N.L., Safronov V.V. (2024) Mediating Status Inequalities in Health: Age­Depend­ent Social Capital Effects. Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes. No. 4. P. 243–265. https:// (In Russ.)

226. Davydov A.P. Mediation and Convergent Sociality: Toward a Theory of Social Dialogue. Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences. 2024;67(2):135-159. (In Russ.)

227. Shilova V. A., & Motorin R. A. (2024). Medical Communication Practices on the Internet: A Logical-Combinatorial Approach to Typology. Communications. Media. Design, 9(3), 56-77.

228. Medvedeva E.I. Medical workers without medical education: options for attracting and specifics of personnel management. Economics and management. 2024. Vol. 30. No. 8. Pp. 999-1012. DOI 10.35854/1998-1627-2024-8-999-1012. EDN NOGZVB.

229. Savchenko, I.A. Between eternity and the malice of the day: on the thematic specifics of I.T. Kasavin's research. In: A man migrating: to the 70th anniversary of I.T. Kasavin. / ed. by L.A. Tukhvatilina.– M.: St. Petersburg: Center for Humanitarian Initiatives, 2024. P. 63-76.

230. Ildarkhanova Ch.I., Gnevasheva V.A., Ershova G.N. (2024). Intergenerational Interactions as a Factor of Preservation of Demographic Behavior. Social area, 10 (2). DOI: 10.15838/sa.2024.2.42.5 URL:

231. Kabashova E.V. Interregional Differences in the Quality and Standard of Living of the Russian Population. Uroven' zhizni naseleniya regionov Rossii=Living Standards of the Population in the Regions of Russia. 2024;20(3):397–414. (In Russ.)

232. Dyachenko A.N. Interethnic relations in the regional and ethnocultural dimensions of modern Russia. Gumanitarnye, sotsial'no-ekonomicheskie i obshchestvennye nauki = Humanities, social-economic and social sciences. 2024; 11: 36-40.

233. Adamyants T. Z. (2024), “Mental technologies of modern educational processes”, Research Result. Social Studies and Humanities, 10 (4), 128-140,DOI: 10.18413/2408-932X-2024-10-4-1-1

234. Burkhanova F.B., Sabanaeva K.E., Khazipova S.R. (2024). Measures of material support for family students – modern policy of Russian universities. Social area, 10(4). DOI: 10.15838/sa.2024.4.44.4 URL:

235. Lukyanets A.S. Measures to support families with children in the North Caucasus and Far Eastern Federal District. Sociology. 2024. No. 11. Pp. 153-160. EDN PAQWRG.

236. Basheva O. A., Gomanova S. O., Ermolaeva Y. V. (2024) The Position of Volunteers in the Emer-gency Response System: Results of an Analysis of Russian Media Discourse. Monitoring of Pub­lic Opinion: Economic and Social Changes. No. 2. P. 203–225. (In Russ.)

237. Methodological techniques for using belle-lettres and journalistic literature in teaching social sciences: textbook for universities / A.L. Arefiev,A.M. Bazhenov. — M.: Publishing house of the Moscow Humanitarian University, 2024. — 304 p.

238. Kozlova O.A., Makarova M.N., Arkhangelsky V.N. Methodological approach to assessing factor influence on fertility in Russia. Living standards of the population of Russian regions. 2024. Vol. 20. No. 1. Pp. 76-90.

239. Makar S.V., Yarasheva A.V. Methodological aspects of modern research on the spatial distribution of wealth in Russia. Diskussiya [Discussion], 2024, 125, 12–20.

240. Kublitskaya, E. A. (2024), “Methodological and methodical analysis of the correlation of religious and confessional self-identification (on the example of the studied subjects of the Russian Federation)”, Research Result. Sociology and Management, 10 (1), 11-27. DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2024-10-1-0-2

241. Medvedeva, E.I. A metric approach to assessing intellectual potential in healthcare organizations. Regional problems of economic transformation. 2024. No. 10 (168). Pp. 139-150. DOI 10.26726/rpe2024v10amat.

242. Lukyanets E.S. Norwegian migration policy regarding refugees: challenges and prospects for the host society. Bulletin of the Altai Academy of Economics and Law. 2024. No. 12-2. Pp. 254-259.

243. Vorobieva O.D., Topilin A.V., Ustinova V.A. Migration losses and reproduction of the population of small and medium cities of north-west Russia. Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2024 Vol. 94. No. 10. Pp. 923-936.

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