List of publications >> Choose year of publication Choose year:2029 2028 2027 2026 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 Все публикации | Рубрикатор | Поиск публикаций | Последние поступленияКниги | Статьи в сбoрниках | Статьи в журналах | Переводы | Авторефераты | 20181. Adaptation and reintegration of the political space of the Russian regions: problems, recommendations [monograph] / Dmitriev A.V., Voronov V. V.; FNIC RAS, ed. 2nd, amended and supplemented. - M.: New Chronograph, 2018. - 336 p., Il.2. Sogomonov A.Yu. Civic education in the contexts of world history. Moskva: Shkola grazhdanskogo prosvesheniya, 2018. 142 p. 3. Twenty-five years of the new Russia: Rostov Region: Monograph / Resp. еd. Y.G. Volkov. - Rostov-on-Don: Fund of Science and Education, 2018.- 174 p.4. Dvadtsat Pyat Let Rossiiskikh Transformatsii: Opyt Sotsiologicheskogo Analyza [Twenty-Five Years of Russian Transformations: Experience of Sociological Analysis] / [M.K. Gorshkov etal.]; Edited by M.K. Gorshkov, V.V. Petukhov. - Moscow: Izdatelstvo Ves Mir, 2018. - 384 p.5. Davydov A.P. The Soul of Gogol. Experience of Sociocultural analyses. Second edition. M.: Novyi Khronograph. 2018. 264 p.6. Volkov Yu.G., Khunagov R.D., Bineeva N.K., Panfilova Yu.S., Serikov A.V., Tuguz F.V. Institutional practices of patriotic education in the system of higher education: state, problems and prospects: collective monograph / Yu.G. Volkov (editorial editors) and [others]. - Rostov-on-Don - Maykop: Section of operative polygraphy of ASU, 2018. - 204 p.7. Results and consequences of the First World War: a glance after a century [Text]: collection of articles of the All-Russian Scientific-Theoretical Conference (Voronezh, May 16–17, 2018) / editor: A. A. Bogdashkin (Ed.) [ and etc.] ; VUNC VVS Air Force; FNISTS RAS; FSBI “Institute of Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences”; FSBI “Institute of General History of RAS”. - Voronezh: Publishing and Printing Center Scientific Book, 2018. - 422 p.8. How do you live, intellectuals? Sociological essays: a collective monograph / Ed. by J. T. Toshchenko. - Moscow: Tsentr sotsial'nogo prognozirovaniya i marketinga, 2018. - 360 p.9. The constitution of modern politics in Russia: institutional problems / resp. eds. S. V. Patrushev, L. E. Filippova. - M .: Political Encyclopedia, 2018. - 262 p. - (Political science of Russia).10. Interethnic accord at all-Russian and Regional Dimension. Socio-cultural and religious contexts: [monography] / Edited by L.M.Drobizheva. Moscow, 2018. 552 p.11. Dobryakova M., Novikova E., Yurchenko O. XXI century skills: the opinion of teachers and parents. Issue 4 (21). M.: National Research University: Higher School of Economics, 201812. Shaposhnik S., Andreev A., Yelizarov A., Yershov P., Yershova T., Kalinko O., Kitan A., Lebedev S., Raykov A., Semenov E., Simakov O., Simachev Y., Khohlov Y., Yurevich M. Natsionalniy indeks razvitiya tsifrovoy ekonomiki: pilotnaya realizatsiya [National Digital Economy Index: Pilot Realization] M. Goskorporatsiya Rosatom, 92 p. (In Russian) 13. Eliseeva I.I. (ed.) New Importance of family and Intergenerational Relations for Russia and China. St. Petersburg, “Renome”, 2018.14. October revolution and modernity. Socio-political lessons: [monograph] / resp. edited by Y. A. Krasin, O. M. Mihalinec, Y. S. Oganisyan. M.: FCTAS RAS, 2018. 374 p.15. Political sociology: a textbook for academic baccalaureate / Zh. T. Toschenko [and others]; Ed. Zh. T. Toshchenko. - 5 th ed. - M.: Publishing House Yurayt, 2018. - 526 p. - (Series: Bachelor, Academic Course). - ISBN 978-5-534-89563-6.16. Toshchenko Zh.T. Precariat: from Protoclass to a New Class. Monograph / Zh. Toshchenko. Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian State University for the Humanities. – Moscow: Nauka, 2018. – 350 p. 17. Private space in Russian society: a new social reality: a monograph / Yu. G. Volkov; South Federal University. - Rostov-on-Don; Taganrog: Publishing house of Southern Federal University, 2018.-126 p.18. Scherbina V.V. Rationalizing diagnostic management social technologies: [monograph] / V.V. Shcherbina; FSISC RAS. - Moscow: New Chronograph, 2018. - 416 p.19. Regional studies : the textbook for bachelor's academic program / V. A. Achkasova [et al.] ; ed. by I. N. Burygin. - 2nd ed. - Moscow: Yurayt Publishing house, 2018. - 391 p.20. Social and political challenges of modernization in the 21st century: materials of the international scientific-practical, conf. (Ulan-Ude, August 6-11,2018) / editor in chiefB. V. Bazarov. -Ulan-Ude: Publishing House of Buryat Scientific Center, 2018. - 260 p.21. Sociological mosaic-2018: monograph / A. V. Dmitriev, W.N. Ivanov, Zh. T. Toshchenko; Preface. M. K. Gorshkov. - Moscow: 2018. KNORUS - 242 p.22. Stolitsy i regiony v sovremennoi Rossii: mithy i realnost pyatnadtsat let spustya [The Capitals and Regions of Modem Russia: Myths and Facts Fifteen Years Later] / Ed. by M.K. Gorshkov, N.E. Tikhonova. Moscow: VES MIR, 2018.-312 p.23. Trends and problems in the development of Russian political science in the global context: tradition, reception and innovation. Ed.: Gaman-Golutvina O.V., Patrushev S.V. - M .: Political Encyclopedia, 2018. - 447 s.: Ill. - (Political Science of Russia).24. Toshchenko, J. T. Sociology of labor: tutorial and workshop for academic bachelor's / J. T. Toshchenko, G. A. Tsvetkova. 2nd ed. — M.: Publishing House Yurayt, 2018. - 472 p. - (Series: Bachelor, Academic Course). - ISBN 978-5-534-06737-8.25. Middle-income groups in China and Russia: influences and trends / edited by Li Peilin, Gorshkov M.K. Social Sciences Academic Press (China), 2018. - 409 p.26. B. Cantwell, S. Marginson, A. Smolentseva (eds). (2018) High Participation Systems of Higher Education. Oxford University Press: 49627. Handbook of the sociology of youth in BRICS countries / edited by Tom Dwyer (University of Campinas, Brazil), Mikhail K. Gorshkov (Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia), Ishwar Modi (University of Rajasthan, India), Chunling Li (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China), Mokong Simon Mapadimeng (University of Limpopo, South Africa). - World Scientific Publishing Co.Pte.Ltd. 2018. – 1074 p.28. K. Szafraniec, J. Domalewski, K. Wasielewski. P. Szymborski, M. Wernerowicz. (2018) The Me-Generation in a Post-Collectivist Space. Dilemmas in a Time of Transition. Berlin: Peter Lang GmbH International Verlag der Wissenschaften: 39129. Sergei Volzhin, Johann Georg Hamann – Wiederentdeckung der coincidentia oppositorum im Zeitalter der Aufklärung. Roderer-Verlag, Regensburg, 2018, S. 212. Next →