Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

List of publications

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1. Mozgovaya, A. V. (2023) Adaptatsiia zhenshchin k sotsial’nym izmeneniiam: resursnyĭ potentsial [Women’s adaptation to social changes: resource potential], Zhenshchina v rossiĭskom obshchestve, no. 2, pp. 47—59.

2. Galkin K.A. Adaptation of elderly people and various inequalities in the post-pandemic time. Vestnik Universiteta. 2023;(8):193-200. (In Russ.)

3. Chepurenko A., Galitsky E., Oslon A. Adaptation of Russian Small Business to the COVID-19 Pandemic Shocks: The First Evidence of a Longitude. Social Sciences and Contemporary World. 2023. No. 2. P. 90–110.

4. Gorina T.I. Adaptive strategies of entrepreneurs during the pandemic. In: Informal employment in Russia and Mongolia in modern conditions: Col. monograph / scientific ed. Z. T. Golenkova, ed. D. D. Badaraev. – Ulan-Ude: Publishing House of the BNC SB RAS, 2023. P. 94-125.

5. Galkin K. A. Active longevity in Russia: individual strategies of the elderly. Bulletin of the Nizhny Novgorod University named after N.I. Lobachevsky. Series: Social Sciences. 2023. No. 3. Pp. 94-101.

6. KKornilova M.V. “Active Longevity”: Searching for Answers to New Challenges (on the Example of the Program “Moscow Longevity”). Discourse. 2023;9(6):74-89. (In Russ.)

7. Vidyasova L.A. Active and delayed aging in the assessments of the elderly (according to a pilot study in St. Petersburg). The Journal of Social Policy Studies. 2023. Vol. 21. No. 3. Pp. 485-502. DOI: 10.17323/727-0634-2023-21-3-485-502

8. Dobrokhleb V.G. The relevance of strengthening the link between generations of the EAEU countries in the context of demographic aging. In: Cultural heritage and the link between generations: monograph / E.S. Baeva, A.A., Balyasov, S.A. Barkov, L.A. Belyaeva [et al.] / Under the general editorship of prof. Z.H. Saralieva. – N. Novgorod: NNSUI. Lobachevsky, 2023. P. 81-93.

9. Mamonova O.N,. Kolesnikova K.G. Actual problems of mentoring in the system of transformation of the Bologna process in Russia. In: Social processes in modern Russian society: problems and prospects : Materials VII All-Russian Scientific Conference with international participation. Irkutsk, April 21, 2023 / IGU; [ed. by O. B. Istomin]. – Irkutsk : IGU Publishing House, 2023. P. 235-239. – 1 electronic optical disc

10. Gavrilov L.A., Gavrilova N.S. Actuarial Aging Rate in Human Cohorts. Biokhimiya, 2023, 88(11): 2156-2165.

11. Larina E.V. Alcoholization of minors as a social problem. Society. Environment. Development. 2023. No. 2. Pp. 41–45. DOI 10.53115/19975996_2023_02_041–045.

12. Rebrov, S.A. (2023). Althusser’s interpretation of the political philosophy of Machiavelli. Review of the Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities, 24(2), 77-84.

13. Davydenko A.V., Andrianova E.V. Ambivalence as an “umbrella concept”. Reflections on the publication of the book: Radaev, V. and Kotelnikova, Z. (eds). 2022. The Ambivalence of Power in the Twenty-First-Century Economy: Cases from Russia and beyond. London: UCL Press, 369 pages. Part 1. Siberian Socium. 2023. Vol. 7. No. 1 (23). Pp. 88-111. DOI: 10.21684/2587-8484-2023-7-1-88-111

14. Rostovskaya, T. K., & Fomina, O. E. (2023). Analyzing dissertation research in sociology of 2012–2022 period. Management Issues, 17(5), 67–81. DOI 10.22394/2304-3369-2023-5-67-81.

15. Morgunov E.V., Rostovtsev A.I. Analysis of the Economic Interaction of Educationand Gross Regional Product as Parametershuman Development in the Regions of Russia. Regional problems of transforming the economy. 2023. No. 7 (153). Pp. 72-81.

16. Golbraikh V.B.Russian anti-vaccine movement in social media: protests, forms of participation. Current problems of Europe. 2023. No. 3 (119). Pp. 194-213.

17. Nogovitsin O.N. The argument of Severus of Antioch on the absurdity of confessing two common natures in Christ and the concept of “particular nature” within the structure of the “Arbiter” by John Philoponus: theology and methodology of school Neoplatonic philosophy in the 6th century. Part 1. SCHOLE. Ancient Philosophy and the Classical Tradition. Vol. 17 (2023), Issue 1. P. 177-216.

18. Osadchaya G.I., Yudina T.N. Armenian Diaspora in Russia: Employment and Socio-economic Well-being. Uroven' zhizni naseleniya regionov Rossii=Living Standards of the Population in the Regions of Russia. 2023;19(4):602–615. (In Russ.)

19. Yudina T.N., Besfamilnyi D.A. (2023), “The Armenian Diaspora in Social Networks”, Research Result. Sociology and management, 9(2), 194-209. DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2023-9-2-1-5

20. Zheleznyakov A.S. Arkhivyn salbart hamtran ajillah Oros-Mongolyn hamtarsan komissyn ajild oroltsson tuhai. Arkhivyn salbart hamtran ajillah Mongol, Oros hamtrasan komiss - 30 zhil (1992-2022). Archivny barimt bichig, gerel zurag, dursamzhiin emkhetgel. Editor: Samdangiin Enkhbaatar, Chuluuny Oyuunchimeg. Ulaanbaatar, 2023. 207-213 dakh tald. (Zheleznyakov A.S. About participation in the work of the Russian-Mongolian Commission for Cooperation in the Field of Archives. Russian-Mongolian Commission for Cooperation in the Field of Archives - 30 years (1992-2022). Collection of archival documents, photographs and memories. / Ed. Samdangiin Enkhbaatara, Chuluuny Oyuunchimega, Ulaanbaatar - (in Mongolian), 2023, pp. 207-213).

21. Gnevasheva V. A., Belotelkin K. S. Aspects of determining the relationship between investment projects and the social capital index. Moscow Economic Journal. 2023. Vol. 8. No. 11. Pp. 564-577.

22. B.G. Tukumtsev - scientist, humanist, educator. In: Budimir G. Tukumtsev: the best articles. Ed. by Bocharov V.Yu. – Samara: Samara University Press; 2023. P. 580-588.

23. Tikhonova N.E., Slobodenyuk E.D. Poverty and poverty of Russian professionals: scale and causes. In: Human capital of Russian professionals: state, dynamics, factors : [monograph] / N. E. Tikhonova, Y. V. Latov, N. V. Latova [et al] ; ed. by N. E. Tikhonova, Y. V. Latov ; FCTAS RAS. Ì. : FCTAS RAS, 2023. Ð. 280-306.

24. Epikhina Y.B. (2023) Well-being as an Indicator of Subjective Mobility. Mir Rossii, vol. 32, no 3, pp. 97–118 (in Russian). DOI: 10.17323/1811-038X-2023-32-3-97-118

25. Makeeva S.B. The Great Northern Wasteland (Beidahuang) in 1949–1966: pages of the regional and demographic history of the Chinese province of Heilongjiang // Bulletin of the Omsk University. Ser. Historical sciences. Omsk, 2023. Vol. 10. No. 2 (38). Pp. 7-16.

26. Ivanova L.Yu. The fight against smoking in Russia in the 21st century: achievements and new challenges. Analytical review. Sociology of Medicine. 2023. Vol. 22. No. 2. Pp. 235-246.

27. Rostovskaya T.K., Shabunova A.A., Kalachikova O.N. Marriage and family conceptions of student youth: according to the resalts of the author’s study. Woman in Russian society. 2023. No. 3. Pp. 31-42.

28. Rassolova E. N., Galkin K. A. The future, innovations and new professions. Review of the scientific seminar «Modernization and innovative development of cities and the urban sphere of work». St. Petersburg Sociology today. 2023. No. 4 (21). Pp. 135-139.

29. Savchenko I. A., Shirokalova G. S. In the coordinates of modern urbanism. Discourse on the main thing. Technologies of social and humanitarian research. NGLU. 2023. No.3 (3). Pp. 124-131.

30. Viner B.E. Most Important Elements of the Soviet Theory of Ethnos: Prospects for Use in Modern Theories of Ethnicity. Bulletin of the Irkutsk State University. Geoarchaeology, Ethnology, and Anthropology Series. 2023, Vol. 45, pp. 77–92. (in Russ.)

31. Rostovskaya T.K. Introduction. In:Russian society and the state in the context of the formation of a new world order: the demographic situation in 2022: [monograph] / S. V. Ryazantsev [and others]; resp. ed. S. V. Ryazantsev, T. K. Rostovskaya; FNISC RAS. - Moscow: Prospekt, 2023. - P. 6–7.

32. Latov Y.V. Introduction. In: Human capital of Russian professionals: state, dynamics, factors : [monograph] / N. E. Tikhonova, Y. V. Latov, N. V. Latova [et al] ; ed. by N. E. Tikhonova, Y. V. Latov ; FCTAS RAS. Ì. : FCTAS RAS, 2023. P. 5-15.

33. Mikhaylyonok O.M. Introduction. Networks. Hierarchies. Politics. In: Transformation of political relations in a networked society: [[monograph] / O. M. Mikhaylenok, A.V. Brega, O. A. Voronkova [et al.];ed. by O. M. Mikhaylenok ; SIC RAS. – M. : FNISTC RAS, 2023. P. 4-21.

34. Latov Y.V. Vector of human capital evolution of professionals and prospects for Russia's international competitiveness. In: Human capital of Russian professionals: state, dynamics, factors : [monograph] / N. E. Tikhonova, Y. V. Latov, N. V. Latova [et al] ; ed. by N. E. Tikhonova, Y. V. Latov ; FCTAS RAS. Ì. : FCTAS RAS, 2023. P. 407-439.

35. Chernysheva L.A. Veloprokat. Neprikosnovennyy zapas. Debaty o politike i kul'ture. 2023. No. 1(147). Pp. 137-142.

36. Nureev R., Latov Y., Surkhaev I. Interference of voting means and political relation in perspective from pre-industrial to post-industrial society. Voprosy teoreticheskoy ekonomiki. 2023. No. 1. P. 46–59.

37. Rassolova E.N., Galkin K.A. Interaction of civil science with society: features and contradictions. Knowledge. Understanding. Ability. 2023. No. 4. Pp. 115-125. DOI: 10.17805/zpu.2023.4.10

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