Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences


Bulletin of the Institute of Sociology (Vestnik instituta sotziologii)   


Вестник Института социологии


The Internet scientific journal of Institute of Sociology of Russian Academy of Sciences
The Journal was established in 2010

ISSN 2221-1616

Impact factor 1,168 See more Russian Science Citation Index

Editor-in-chief: M. K. Gorshkov

official website (eng) 




Sociological Science and Social Practice
(Scociologicheskaja nauka i social'naja practika)



The scientific journal of Russian Academy of Sciences
The Journal was established in 2013

ISSN 2308-6416

Impact factor 0,938 See more Russian Science Citation Index

Editor-in-chief: M. K. Gorshkov

official website (eng)




Sociological Studies (Socis)


Журнал "СоцИс"


The scientific and socio-political monthly journal of Russian Academy of Sciences
The Journal was established in 1974

ISSN 0132-1625

Impact factor 1,879 See more Russian Science Citation Index
The Journal enters into Scopus, Web of Science

Editor-in-chief: G.A.Kliucharev

official website (eng)




Sociological Journal (Sotsiologicheskij Zhurnal)
Социологический журнал  

Professional publication for sociologists
The Journal was established in 1994

ISSN 1562-2495

Impact factor 0,923 See more Russian Science Citation Index

The Journal enters Scopus 

Editor-in-chief: P.M.Kozyreva

official website (eng) 




POLIS (Political Studies)
Журнал ПОЛИС. Политические исследования  

The scientific, cultural and educational journal in the field of political science and political sociology
The Journal was established in 1991

ISSN 0321-2017

Impact factor 1,785 See more Russian Science Citation Index

The journal enters Scopus and Web of Science

Editor-in-chief: Chugrov S. V.

official website (eng)




Sociology: methodology, methods, mathematical modeling (Sotsiologiya 4M)

Журнал "Социология: 4М"   The scientific journal “Sociology: methodology, methods, mathematical modeling”
The Journal was established in 1991

Impact factor 0,585 See more Russian Science Citation Index

Editor-in-chief: Deviatko I. F.

official website (eng)




Журнал "Власть"  

The scientific and socio-political journal “Power”
The Journal was established in 1993

ISSN 2071-5358

Impact factor 0,613 See more Russian Science Citation Index

Editor-in-chief: Lapshin A. O.

official website (eng)




Humanitarians of the South of Russia   

The scientific journal “Humanitarians of the South of Russia”
The Journal was established in 2012

ISSN 2227-8656

Impact factor 0,401 See more Russian Science Citation Index

Editor-in-chief: Volkov Yu. G.

official website (eng)





Журнал "Интер"  

The scientific journal “INTERaction”, “INTERview”, “INTERpretation”
The Journal was established in 2002

ISSN 2307-2075

Impact factor 0,551 See more Russian Science Citation Index

Editor-in-chief: Semenova V.V.

official website (eng) 


History and Present
Журнал "История и современность"  

The scientific-theoretical journal for humanist and natural scientist showing interest in problem society
The Journal was established in 2005

ISSN 1811-7481

Impact factor 0,420 See more Russian Science Citation Index

Editor-in-chief: Lapkin V.V.

Management of Science: Theory and Practice


The scientific journal "Management of Science: Theory and Practice"
The Journal was established in 2019

ISSN 1562-2495 (print); 1684-1581 (online)

See more Russian Science Citation Index

Editor-in-Chief: Evgeny V. Semenov

official website (eng)
