Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences



2015 No 2 (370)



KARMADONOV O.A. (Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russia) Solidarity, Integration, conjunction (3-12)

Summary. Concepts of consolidation and integration phenomena in contemporary social sciences are analyzed. It is shown that investigations of the above phenomena often posses discreet character losing its basic purpose of societal reproduction of the society. Author’s model of “flow’ consolidation is argued for serving as a basis to formulate approaches to social conjunction as generic phenomenon thus depleting substantive and morphological aspects of “joining” phenomena in their static and dynamics.

Key words: social solidarity • flow of consolidation • social reproduction • social conjunction • conjunctive practices

SOMOV V.A. (Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N.I. Lobachevsky, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod) Sociology of Sovietness: historical and cultural aspects (12-20)

Summary: The article analyzes current state of academic debate over the phenomenon of Soviet society. The author proposes to abandon emotional and politically-oriented assessments and argues for a balanced, impartial study of Soviet society as social and cultural phenomenon. Main methods of studies are proposed to consist of cognitive theory of history and generational approach. From these definitions, author believes that 1930s became the “cradle” of the Soviet man. Genesis of the phenomenon of Soviet man is associated with the impact of the state on the younger generation on the eve of World War II.

Key words: Soviet society • generation of 1930s • socio-cultural type • modern debate


VIKTOROV A.Sh. (Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia) Inequality turn in the world as challenge to global sociology (21-29)

Summary: Substantially, work of XVIII International sociologic congress succeeded to overcome formal limitations and to achieve understanding that key world-wide problem is today inequality predetermined by such factors as market relations, globalization process, and by politic structures that reproduce both new and classic inequality forms (types). Congress demonstrated that public sphere sociology model is inadequate for solving modern society global problems. This fact shows the need and importance for new sociologic knowledge paradigm.

Key words: XVIII ISA world congress • social inequality • subjective reflection • global public sociology • key trends (work topics) • participants’ scientific interests • English-language sociology dominance

ÊRAVCHENKO S.À. (MGIMO – University of the Foreign relations ministry of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia) Bridges connecting all possible cleavages in sociology for a more equal world (29-38)

Summary: New social and cultural inequalities are affecting every global and local reality. New political and social movements and risks are emerging along with vulnerabilities, potential perils and catastrophes, with principally new relations between nature and society, and social inequalities. It becomes impossible to analyze these realities from positions of national sociologies or specific theoretical and methodological approaches. Hence, new challenges develop for present-day sociological knowledge: global, supra-national, or cosmopolitan sociology. A new interpretation is suggested for sociological theories of social inequalities beginning from Marx, Weber and Durkheim, as well as ingenious theoretical and methodological tools, new sociological thinking and imagination allowing analyze more adequately changes in the modern world.

Key words: inequality • vulnerabilities • risks • new social movementsÿ • global sociology

SZTOMPKA P. (Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland) A «Positivist» Manifesto  (38-40)


NEMIROVSKAYA À.V. (National research institute ‘Higher school of economics’ Prospective modernization of the Far Eastern Federal District regions (41-48)

Summary. The paper discusses general condition and main features of modernization in the Far Eastern Federal District, its pace and types of dynamics, basing on the analysis of Russian Federal State Statistics Service data and indices calculated by the Center for Study of Socio-cultural Change (CSSC) of the Institute of Philosophy, RAS. Special attention is paid to socio-economic and socio-cultural components of modernization through analysis of the data of social research available for this macro-region. The study is performed in accordance with methodology of the research project of the CSSC, “Social and cultural modernization and consolidation of regional communities” (project’s director is RAS corresponding member N.I. Lapin).

Key words: Dynamics of modernization • types of modernization •socio-cultural modernization • region • Far Eastern Federal District

LASTOCHKINA M. A., SHABUNOVA A. A. (both authors - Institute of social and economic development of territories, RAS, Moscow, Russia) Stable multi-vectors of North-Western Federal District modernization (49-55)

Summary. State and component parts of North-Western Federal District regions. A stable multi=vector model of its processes is ascertained including their a-symmetry, instability and even stagnation/ Measures to overcome inertia scenario of modernization strategy are suggested.

Key words: modernization • North-Western Federal District • component parts of modernization • multi-vector processess • stages and scenaioes of modernization


CHOI WOOIK (Institute of Russian studies, Hankuk University of Foreign relations, Goyang, Gyeonggi, Republic of Korea) A history and mainlines of sociological studies in the Republic of Korea (56-63)

Summary. A history of Korean sociology is depicted with following two items emphasized. 1. Taking root early in history of Korean sciences, it determines its foundation. 2. Criticizing positions of mainstream, it amounts to an alternative. Developments in sociological knowledge in RK are narrated in their historical context.

Key words: Korean sociology • critical sociology • theory •· methodology •·leading sociology

SONG JOONSEO ; KIM HYEJIN (both authors - Institute of Russian studies, Hankuk University of Foreign relations, Goyang, Gyeonggi, Republic of Korea) Korean war and changes of South-Korean society in the 1950th  (63-72)

Summary. Impact of Korean war (1950-1953) on Korean society is analyzed. It is asserted that the war, while destroying remnants of feudal class relation and improving position 163 of women in society has to a considerable degree influenced country’s modernization and played posoitive role in speedy industrialization during1960th.

Key words: Êîrean war • South-Korean society • social changes • modernization

KIM MINSOO, KIM SEUNRAE (both authors – Institute of Russian studies, Hankuk University of Foreign relations, Goyang, Gyeonggi, Republic of Korea) Êorean war and non-standard employment issue after 1997 crisis. (73-83)

Summary. Neoliberal policies after 1997 financial crisis aimed at liberalizing labor market led to growing unemployment and increasing numbers of people employed in non-standard manner (NSE). In author’s opinion, basic reason for drastic income level differentiation in Korean society, greater uncertainty regarding stable employment is structure and labor conditions of NSE-workers. To resolve NSE problem, change in labor income share is suggested

Êey words: financial crisis  · labor market • non-standard employment • incomes differentiation • labor income

JANG SE HO, RAa SEUNGDO (both authors – Institute of Russian studies, Hankuk University of Foreign relations, Goyang, Gyeonggi, Republic of Korea) «Park Chung-hee syndrome»: history and realities. A reconsideration (83-92)

Summary. Causes and essence of «Park Chung-hee syndrome» emergence are considered. A theoretic and gnosiologic analysis of polemics around Park Chung-hee activities helps to re-consider changing discourse of mass dictatorship and mobilized modernization. Historical parallels are made regarding Europe and Russia.

Êey words: «Park Chung-hee syndrome» • dictatorship of development • modernization · dictatorship of masses · mobilized modernization

HWANG SUNG -WOO , KIM JOON SEOK (Institute of Russian studies, Hankuk University of Foreign relations,Goyang, Gyeonggi, Republic of Korea Kyrogy-family phenomenon in contemporary Korea (92-97)

Summary. Phenomenon of kyrogy-family is analyzed as a unique phenomenon in Korean society; causes of its emergence are surveyed, and search for their solution is attempted. Difficulties encountered by kyrogy-fathers are studied. A definition of this family, unification impact and value standards aimed at by individuals as well as competitive struggles caused by it are offered.

Key words: kyrogy • Korea • education • family • culture rooted on Confucius heritage


YANITSKY Î.N. (Institute of sociology, Russian academy of sciences, Moscow, Russia) (98-106)

Summary. The paper describes evolution of theory and methodology of historical comparative studies in ecosociology. Comparing results of recent international project in studying ecological movements with results of some previous international comparative studies, in which the author has taken part, insight into inner machinery, ways and means of developing this sphere of ecosocial knowledge and social action is attempted.

Key words: global and regional comparative studies • local and scientific knowledge • inter-disciplinary • theory • methods • results and their dynamics

ÒIÒÀRÅNÊÎ L.G. (Belarus State University, Minsk, Belarus) Ecological aspect of way of life: basic values and behavior types (107-113)

Summary. The article deals with the problems of formation of the ecologically oriented way of life of the dwellers of Minsk under modern conditions. It is based on the empirical surveys made in 2010-2014. The author analyses the level of ecological knowledge and awareness of the ecological issues of different groups of the urban population and discovers their priority ecological values to compare with the types of the everyday life behavior. The author concludes that the level of ecological activism is rather low.

Key words: ecologically oriented way of life • types of ecological behavior • ecological values • urban population • ecocentrism


ZASYPKIN V.P. (Surgut State pedagogical university, Surgut, Russia); ZBOROVSKY G.Å., SHUKLINA E.A.(both authors - Urals State Federal university, Ekaterinburg, Russia) School teachers as social professional community (114-123)

Summary. School teachers are studied as a specific social professional community. Social demographic parameters, social well being that reflects quality if life, attitude to professional and other activities, use of free time are characterized. Two clusters are found out with positive and negative social well being are ascertained.

Key words: school teachers · social professional community · professional activity of school teachers · teachers’ way of life · social well being of teachers · teachers’ free time

ÊURBATOVA Ì.V., KAGAN E.S., APARINA N.F. (all three – Kemerovo State University, Kemerovo, Russia) B ehavior of university employees during higher education reformations: an issue of choice (123-134)

Summary. Changes in socio-economic conditions of university professors during the reform of higher professional education and labor relations in universities are described. Presence of varying types of behavior is found out among professors built on combination of “way out’, “voice” and “loyalty”. It is shown how the strength of bargaining position is influencing choice of alternate behavior; effects of changed professors position for universities are discussed.

Key words: higher professional education • reforms • teachers • socio-economic position • behavior

SHEVCHENKO P.V. (Moscow state pedagogical university, Moscow, Russia) M odels of administering unified education organizations in Moscow (135-140)

Summary. Four typical models of administering strategies in unified educational organizations are described. Issues in evaluation of efficiency of differing models are discussed regarding their relative managerial and social qualities.

Key words: education organizations • administrative models • efficiency •management • social effectiveness


PETRUSHIN V.I. (Moscow state pedagogical university, Moscow, Russia) Conflicting cultures- what creates and shapes them? (141-147)

Summary. The article reveals social manifestations of the two types of culture first described by Y.M. Lotman in his “The Contract” and “Presentation of themselves” as the archetypal model of culture. The methodology of institutionally-dichotomous approach is applied in analyzing two types of culture revealing their fundamental differences. The aim is to identify dynamics of the development in line with two .types of cultures leading to formation of government and social climate of two different types - autarkies’ and democracies. Over 100 differences between two types of states and social systems are listed.

Key words: primitive culture • modem culture • “Culture of contract” • “Presentation of oneself” culture • totem • magic • autarky • democracy


VINOGOROVA N.À. (Volga State technology university, Yoshkar-Ola, Russia) Regional aspects of social protection of orphans (148-150)

Summary. The article illustrates issues of social protection of orphans and children without parents. Here, a main role play issues of placing them into families and their adaptation there.

Key words: orphans • adaptive parents • guardianship • patronage

LEVCHENKO N.V. (Institute of sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia) Russian animal protectors who are they and how they act? (151-155)

Summary. Based on in-depth interviews, the paper analyzes activities of organized animal protectors from four regional center in Russia. A typology of animal protection nonprofit organizations is attempted as well as that of initiative groups. Problems of consolidating these activities inside their community are analyzed as well as contacts with other social and political agents.

Key words: animals in the city • organized animal protectors • non-profit organizations • initiative groups • governmental and local authorities • mass-media


ROMANOVSKY N.V. (“Sociological Studies” journal, Moscow, Russia) New conceptions and ideas in contemporary international and Russian sociology (16th A. Kharchev readings) (156-158)